Whether you are homeschooling or looking into homeschooling, you are very welcome at Riverside Gospel Hall. Homeschooling is legal in Ireland and there are many online resources available, some of which are listed here on this page. There is currently a large number of homeschooling families in Cork city, who would be happy to answer any questions you may have. 

Citizen's Information has information on the Irish education system and homeschooling legalisation.

Home Education Network is the national support and lobby group for homeschoolers in Ireland. It provides information and resources about homeschooling as well as links to research on homeschooling and other useful organisations. 

Focus on the Family is a Christian ministry dedicated to helping families. It is not focused on homeschooling, but some of its articles on marriage, parenting, life challenges and social issues could be useful. 

Irish Christian Home Educatiors Association provides a platform for Christian homeschoolers and represent the rights of homschoolers in Ireland. The website also provides links to cirriculum suppliers and homeschool support.